The committee is said to have formed after holding a meeting on the electricity issue on the 19th of November in the head office of the Rakhin Nationalities Development Party, the leading Arakanese political party in Arakan State.

He said Vice-President U Tin Win and General Secretary U Oo Hla Saw from RNDP mainly spoke and the public representatives from Buthidaung, Maungdaw, Rathedaung and other townships of the state also attended and discussed their respective views on the issues in the meeting.
“Our committee will work within currently enacted laws in order to demand 24-hour electricity in our state, a state that is one of the least developed in Burma due to a lack of proper electricity. We have decided to carry out signature campaigns, attempt to meet directly with Daewoo Company - the main operator of gas from our state, and to continually raise these issues in all sectors of the government”, said the committee member.
He said the committee would be systematically organized as a state-level committee in order to draw wider public participation in the movement demanding 24-hour electricity in Arakan State.