Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met yesterday with 33 representatives from the upper house led by U Khin Aung Myint. At the meeting, Dr. Aye Maung, a representative from the upper house, attended the meeting with 32 of his colleagues.
In Burma's new 2008 constitution, there is a section of acts number 417 and 418 where the military is granted the right to seize power if necessary for the nation during an emergency.
"Even though there is an act in the new constitution, he said this. He also told Mrs. Clinton of other issues and his opinion on three steps to achieve democracy in Burma. [U Khin Aung Myint] told her that the country needs improved security, an increase in individual citizens' income, and it needs to be monopolized and influenced by educated people," he said.
U Khin Maung Myint also requested Mrs. Clinton help Burma get opportunities to reach the goal of democracy, said Dr. Aye Maung.
"Mrs. Clinton also told us that she wants to exchange her good experience with Burma's parliament because she served in the US Senate for eight years," Dr. Aye added.
Dr. Aye Maung also gave Mrs. Clinton an open letter that was written by the Rakhine Literature and Culture Organization in Rangoon.
"She willingly accepted the open letter from the organization when I gave it to her. The letter is expected to explain about the Arakan situation," he said.
He added that he was satisfied with yesterday's meeting with Hillary Clinton as all representative had a free and open discussion with her. He remarked that her visit is opening a new chapter in the relationship between Burma and the USA.