Today, December 31st, 2011; Arakanese present Time, 1373, on Wane of Nat-Taw (9th month of Arakanese three Seasons) 10th, is Arakanese Kingdom (ruled in Mrauk Oo Period) and sovereignty power falling day. It is historically regretful Memorial Day of every single Arakanese nation. Start from that time, all Arakanese people began to fall in the yoke of colonization (1784- 1824, Burmese Colony: 1826-1942, British Colony: 1942-1945, Japanese Colony: 1945-1948, British Colony: 1948- till now remaining Burmese Colony). Now, it has been deeply 227 years in the slavery life.
At present time, you all are struggling for your livelihood for the sake of your life carrier. But, your struggling among the variety of difficulty which you do this anniversary will help all of you to reinstall national inborn spiritual patriotism for the sake of restoration of our sovereignty power and independence.
For example, Jewish, they had been country-less for 2000 years. But now, they have own land, own country, own government, and own sovereignty power being a member-country of United Nation. It is emulated sign that shows their patriotism and value on their country bowing and smelling their father-land-soil with respectfully manner. We should learn from them that how much they value their country.
Arakanese kingdoms had been ruling own land since BC 3325. That is why; we have own literature, culture, and history. You can see the historically physical evidence till now. All the governments era _ Anti- Fascist People's Freedom League (AFPFL), Burmese Socialist Programme Party (BSPP), State Law and Order Restoration Council and, State Peace and Development Council, burmanized us in different ways: literal, culture, and history, not to reborn our spiritual power. They, Burmese, assimilated us likely to be _ we are one of Burmese races, we don’t have own kingdom, we don’t have own literature. Therefore, we have to be awareness all the time to protect our lost all of our rights.
Ohh All Arakanese, it is 227 years that we have been in the slavery life. I would like to specially suggest all of you _ to protect our land and our nation sprit with our national obligation and responsibility and to value as own soul. Today, Arakanese Kingdom and sovereignty power falling day, it is black-day because we lost all the things that we owned before. Anyhow, we yearly hold ceremony and it will make Arakanese people as memorial remembrance of how our Arakanese are magnificent in the past. We ought to hold this ceremony yearly.
Ohh All Arakanese, it is very basically essential tactic that building an army that can give guarantee for which _ self-determination of Arakanese, restoration of our sovereignty power in the hand of Arakanese, totally protection of Arakanese home-affairs. At the present time, for our revolution, all of you are suggested to join into the organizations that have been struggling for our independence. And also, for all organization representatives for Arakanese, now we need common unity for our freedom likely to Arakanese proverb “Same blood, same unity”. Finally, I would like to request you all that to do cooperation, participation mentally and physically for our unity as much as possible. I wish that you all have healthy and wealthy along your life period. I wish you all with this message.
Best Regards,
Khaing Marm Nyo